What is art?

Art is a language that artists use to express ideas and feelings that everyday words cannot express.
Throughout time, the arts have been essential to human existence. When people create in images, they discover ways to shape and share their thoughts and feelings with others. The arts enrich quality of life. All students deserve access to the arts through creation, performance and study. The fine arts are fundamental ways of knowing and thinking. In addition to their intrinsic value, the arts contribute to children's development.
Works of art are some of the highest achievements of civilization. In school, students learn the language of the arts and how to interpret visual images. Because the arts are both universal and culturally specific, they are a powerful means of increasing international and intercultural awareness. Through the arts, students gain a greater understanding of their own cultural heritage, as well as a sense of the larger world community.
Source: isbe.net

Monday, March 18, 2013

Printmaking inspired by Andy Warhol

This latest project introduced the children to the work of Andy Warhol. We began by looking at examples of some of his work and reading a book about him called "Uncle Andy." The children noticed the bright colors he liked to use in his work, and we discussed the printmaking process and why his work was called "Pop Art." The first step for the children was to make hand prints using fun, neon-colored tempera paint. Then they chose some rectangles of brightly colored paper and glued them to a black background. The most challenging part of the project for the students was to cut out their hand prints, working carefully around the fingers, and then glue them to the background paper to complete their collage. The six collages below are by: Annie, Cade, Charlie, Ela N., Ella U. and Graham.

The collages below are by: Jaylynn, Kaylen, Myima, Peter, Violet, Will and Martin. (Please note that if you do not see your child's collage listed, it means they were absent for this project).

 If students finished their Andy Warhol-inspired art before the end of class period, they could choose a bag of collage materials and create a "free choice" collage. The children really enjoyed discovering the various collage items and the photos below are of some of the works-in-progress. This next week, we will begin another printmaking project, combined with paper weaving, inspired by Adinkra symbols used by the peoples of Ghana.

Monday, March 11, 2013

A note about sketchbooks....

This past January, we started a new thing in art class: using sketchbooks! Each student was given a sketchbook that I had put together for them, and this has turned into a fun and engaging activity that I either use as a "warm-up" at the beginning of class, or as an option for students who finish the art project early, and need something to do while the other students are still working. Inside the sketchbooks are several art activities which students can work through at their own pace, and in any order they choose. When they complete a page, they are given a sticker. Activities include copying shapes and lines, and idea prompts for free-choice drawing. These activities encourage students to look attentively and really see the elements of an image. They also help warm up the small muscles in the hands, and in the arms and shoulders. Additionally, sketchbooks are great for getting the brain ready to think about and make art. At the end of the year, the sketchbooks will go home with the students' portfolios and will be a nice record of their artistic ideas and growth.

Ceramic pendants finished into necklaces this past week!

This past week, the children were very excited to finally be able to finish off their ceramic pendants by making them into necklaces using colorful shoelaces and an assortment of beads.
Before we began, we reviewed the process and vocabulary involved in making the ceramics, and then we talked about some of the choices they could make as artists. For instance, if they wanted to incorporate pattern and/or symmetry in their necklace design. We also brainstormed about color choice and reviewed the color wheel. Then the children got started. The process of sorting through and choosing beads, and the actual stringing of beads (fantastic fine motor practice) was very engaging and kept the children happily busy for the entire class time.

This photo is of some of the finished necklaces. The girls noticed that when they put their hearts together, it formed a four-leaf clover!
At the end of class, we took a group photo, and then the students were able to take home their necklaces, along with the ceramic leaf bowls that were made in the fall with the substitute art teacher.

This coming week, we will finish our Andy Warhol-inspired print/collage and review collage techniques.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Fun with Ceramics, and Andy Warhol!

For the past few weeks, the children have been working on a ceramics project that will eventually become wearable art: a necklace! During the first week, the children learned how to roll a ball of clay, flatten it with their hands, then use a rolling pin to smooth it into a nice pancake shape. They were able to choose from several templates and cut out the shape of their pendent. The next step was to use a variety of recycled objects to give their pendants texture. Then the clay was headed to the kiln for the first firing.

In week two, the children learned about glazes and they carefully painted their ceramics with color. I worked with the children in small groups because of the need for guidance during this stage, and while I was working with one group, students rotated through three other stations of art activities. One of the stations featured a rubber stamping and colored pencil activity. Another station was stocked with a variety of word search puzzles, mazes, and connect-the-dot handouts (all great for fine motor development and hand-eye coordination). The last station featured a game called "Make a Monster." Students took turns rolling a die and then drawing a monster - adding a new detail with each turn in a random and kooky way. I think the kids really enjoyed the variety of activities offered that day as I heard several say, "this is fun!" and the room buzzed with focused activity.

This past week, the ceramics were still cooling off in the kiln and not ready to turn into the necklaces, so we began our next project inspired by the work of pop artist, Andy Warhol. We read a short book about his art and looked at several examples of his prints. We discussed printmaking and then the children set to work making their own version of pop art using bright neon tempera paint and the repeated motif of their hand print. Next week, we will finish the ceramics project, and those will be sent home that afternoon, along with the leaf dish ceramics that the children created (with the substitute art teacher) early last fall.