What is art?

Art is a language that artists use to express ideas and feelings that everyday words cannot express.
Throughout time, the arts have been essential to human existence. When people create in images, they discover ways to shape and share their thoughts and feelings with others. The arts enrich quality of life. All students deserve access to the arts through creation, performance and study. The fine arts are fundamental ways of knowing and thinking. In addition to their intrinsic value, the arts contribute to children's development.
Works of art are some of the highest achievements of civilization. In school, students learn the language of the arts and how to interpret visual images. Because the arts are both universal and culturally specific, they are a powerful means of increasing international and intercultural awareness. Through the arts, students gain a greater understanding of their own cultural heritage, as well as a sense of the larger world community.
Source: isbe.net

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our Last Project of the School Year: Painted Paper Butterflies Inspired by Eric Carle

To tie in with the unit on Eric Carle that the children have been working on with Mrs. Bernstein, we created some unique butterfly collages. This was a two-week project filled with color, texture and lots of creative experimentation. Below are some photos from week one showing students creating many, many sheets of painted paper, just like the ones Eric Carle uses in his collages. The tables were grouped by color family and the students were provided with brushes, lots of white paper and some texture-creating tools.

This week (week two), the children could either draw freehand or use stencils to cut butterfly wings out of the painted paper they had created. We pooled all the painted papers together and the children did a great job of sharing them with each other. After they had cut out four wings and a body, they glued down the parts onto clean paper. We looked at photographs of butterflies and talked about symmetry, and then the children embellished their wings with spots and other free-form shapes. For a final step, they could add a little splash of sequins to their collage.

And here are the completed butterflies - I wish the real ones in our neighborhood were this colorful!:

It has been a great honor to be able to work with your children this year, to watch their confidence and abilities grow, and to be able to help nurture in them an appreciation for art and art-making!
Please have a fun and safe summer!
All the best,
Lucy Zucaro

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